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Who Can I Sue If Was Injured in a Truck Accident?

 Posted on February 06, 2023 in Blog Post

Chicago truck accident lawyerIf you have been injured in a truck accident in the Chicago area, the medical bills may be piling up, you have lost your stable income, and are trying to recover from severe injuries. According to federal estimates, some 107,000 truck accidents resulted in life-altering injuries in 2020. Truck accidents are among the most dangerous vehicle accidents. Semi-trucks are simply heavier and more difficult to handle than your average car. So who is liable for the injuries that you suffered?

Potentially Liable Parties in a Truck Accident

In many cases, truck accidents are caused by a negligent driver due to various factors including driver fatigue, drunk driving, improperly secured loads, and defective truck parts. These are some of the potential parties you may be able to sue following a truck accident depending on the cause of the accident:

  • Truck Driver – If the driver was speeding, driving drunk, or being negligent in any way and caused the accident, you could sue the driver for your losses.

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Who Is Liable in a Rear-End Pileup Accident?

 Posted on January 30, 2023 in Blog Post

Des Plaines, IL car accident lawyerWhether you are running errands or driving around enjoying the sights, if you are rear-ended, it may feel like getting the wind knocked out of you because you do not see it coming. Rear-end collisions are the most common type of car accident in the United States, occurring in about 29 percent of all crashes. We see it all too often on Illinois freeways such as I-294 or I-90 when drivers do not slow down in time and, in some cases, these crashes lead to a pileup accident. If you are in the middle of one, you may be left wondering: Who is liable for the damage if you hit the car in front of you?

Rear-End Crash and Liability

A variety of things cause rear-end collisions every year, including people following too closely, distracted driving, and speeding. In Illinois, drivers are supposed to keep enough distance between their car and the car in front of them to avoid a crash. Therefore, in most rear-end car crashes, the rear driver is liable. In cases in which the front driver cuts off the rear driver or slams on the brakes without warning, the rear driver may not be liable. 

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What if I Am Injured in a Crash and the Other Driver Has No Insurance?

 Posted on January 18, 2023 in Blog Post

Des plaines personal injury lawyerYou never know when you might be involved in a car accident with an uninsured or underinsured driver. Panic may set in when you learn that the driver at fault for the accident does not have car insurance. Who will pay the bills related to your injuries? Unfortunately, one in eight drivers is uninsured. At Quinn Law Group, LLC, we can explore several possible options to get the compensation that you are entitled to receive.

Uninsured Motorist 

Having protection in case you get in an accident with an uninsured driver offers some peace of mind. If you are in an accident with someone who does not have insurance, having uninsured or underinsured driver coverage on your own policy helps pay the costs of treating bodily injuries you and your passengers sustain. Any auto insurance company that provides policies to the residents of Illinois is required by law to offer their customers uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage.

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Personal Injuries Caused by Distracted Driving

 Posted on December 31, 2022 in Blog Post

Park Ridge, IL personal injury lawyerDistractions while driving come in various forms. Perhaps a driver is overwhelmed by the complex travel details of dropping someone off at the airport or is simply admiring the holiday lights and misses a stop sign. Whatever the case may be, distracted driving is a leading cause of car accidents in the United States. In 2020, there were nearly 250,000 vehicle accidents in Illinois and nearly four percent of those crashes involved distracted driving. Taking your eyes off the road for even a second can make you veer into incoming traffic, causing severe personal injuries. 

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving happens anytime a driver stops paying attention to the rules of the road because they are doing something else. Here are some examples of distracted driving, which, while they are not against the law in Illinois, can certainly lead to accidents:

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I Need Compensation for My Devastating Car Accident Injury

 Posted on December 26, 2022 in Blog Post

Cook County car accident injury lawyerCurrently, some two million people are living with an amputation in the United States and traffic accidents are the second leading cause of amputations. No matter how cautious you may be behind the wheel, you are still putting your life at risk every time you take to the road. Catastrophic injuries suffered in a car accident can have a significant negative impact on your life and if you or a family member has been injured in a car crash, you should consider seeking car accident injury compensation.

Do Not Wait Too Long

We understand that your recovery is first and foremost. However, you cannot let too much time pass by. If your hope is to recover compensation for the injuries and losses you suffered, it is imperative that you take legal action before it is too late. In the state of Illinois, you have two years from the date of the accident to file a lawsuit. 

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Am I at Fault if You Slip and Fall on My Snowy Sidewalk?

 Posted on November 28, 2022 in Blog Post

Park Ridge, IL premises liability lawyerSnowfall puts us a little closer to the holiday season. The colder weather also makes it tempting to stay indoors and forget about shoveling the snow. You may opt to have packages and food dropped off at your front door so you never have to leave home. But what if the delivery folks take a tumble and fall? Falling on a patch of snow or ice can be painful and dangerous. Who is liable if they, or a guest on your property, slip and fall because you failed to remove the snow?

Natural Accumulation of Snow

Under state law, no one is required to remove snow from their private property. People are encouraged to remove the snow but it is not mandated under the law. Since you are not required to do anything with the snow that naturally accumulated on your sidewalk as the homeowner you are protected from liability. The law only makes a homeowner liable for any personal injuries if they remove snow or ice from sidewalks in a manner that would intentionally harm another person.

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Who Is Liable for My Fall During the Holiday Season?

 Posted on November 08, 2022 in Blog Post

Park Ridge, IL premises liability lawyerDepartment stores will soon be bustling with holiday shoppers and after-hours toasts will abound. But a fall can quickly put an end to that holiday cheer. Maybe flooring hazards are to blame or perhaps too much eggnog. If you slip and fall during the holiday season, depending on the situation, you may have a premises liability case on your hands.

Is Your Fall Due to a Property Owner’s Negligence or Your Own?

Sometimes accidents are caused by a property owner’s negligence. A fall can lead to serious injuries resulting in broken bones, concussions, and back injuries. Commercial property owners are responsible for the safety of their guests, so they need to properly maintain the facility and have warnings informing guests about any unsafe conditions.

However, a property owner is likely to try to pin the fault for a fall on a patron. In Illinois, there is a law called modified comparative negligence. If the court determines that your actions contributed to your fall, any settlement could be significantly lower than it may have been if it was not your fault. If it is determined that you are 50 percent or more at fault, you may not get any compensation at all.

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Daycare Liability for Child Injuries in Illinois

 Posted on October 25, 2022 in Blog Post

Park Ridge, IL daycare injury lawyerParents trust childcare facilities to provide a safe environment for their children. Unfortunately, accidents happen. When a child is injured while in the care of a daycare, the question then becomes: Who is liable?

In Illinois, daycare facilities are held to the same standard of care as any other business that provides childcare services. This means that the daycare must take reasonable steps to ensure the safety of the children. In many cases, child-related injuries are directly related to a facility's substandard practices or negligent care.

If your child has been injured while in the care of a daycare, afterschool program, preschool, or another childcare facility, you may be able to file a personal injury claim against the facility. An experienced Illinois personal injury attorney can help you understand your legal rights and options.

Child Injuries at Daycare May be Caused by Unsafe Conditions or Negligence

There are many ways a child can be injured while in the care of a daycare or other childcare facility. Some common examples include:

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What If I Was Rear-Ended and Then Hit Another Vehicle?

 Posted on October 12, 2022 in Blog Post

Des Plaines car crash lawyer

Auto accidents can take a massive toll on a person physically, emotionally, and financially. Fortunately, Illinois law allows car accident victims to pursue financial compensation for their damages. The at-fault driver, or more likely, the at-fault driver's insurance company, may be required to pay for vehicle damage, medical bills, and other damages. However, in a multi-car accident, determining the at-fault driver can be challenging. For example, if a motorist is rear-ended and the force of the collision causes him or her to strike another vehicle, who is at fault? Which driver is liable for injuries? 

Liability in a Rear-End Car Crash 

In most rear-end car crashes, the rear driver is liable. Drivers are expected to keep enough distance between their vehicle and the vehicle in front of them to avoid a collision. However, there are circumstances in which the rear driver is not at fault.  If the lead driver cuts off the rear driver or slams on his or her brakes without warning, the rear driver may not be liable. 

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You Are the Victim of a Hit-and-Run in Cook County, and the Police Cannot Find the Perpetrator; Now What? 

 Posted on September 14, 2022 in Blog Post

cook county car accident lawyerCar accidents can be traumatic experiences for anyone to endure, especially if there is an injury involved. Even the most careful drivers can be involved in an accident at any given time. After a car accident takes place, it is accustomed for a law-abiding citizen to stop, survey the damage, contact the police, and exchange information with the other driver. They may also choose to contact an attorney. However, not everything happens as planned in the real world. What happens if the individual who hit your vehicle flees the scene? 

According to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, a hit-and-run accident takes place every minute in the United States. Cook County, the most populous county in Illinois, is home to many hit-and-run accidents, particularly on busy freeways such as I-90 and I-294. Unfortunately, these active areas are often viewed as optimal areas to flee the scene of an accident. As a result, victims of hit-and-runs may be concerned that they may be ineligible for compensation since the liable party fled the scene. However, this is not necessarily true.

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